Volunteers can get involved at the World Transplant Games 2025
“We are looking for around 400 volunteers, particularly from sports clubs, to help us with the organization of the competitions. We are also seeking volunteers to assist with guest and athlete management, as well as logistics,” said Gudrun Manuwald-Seemüller. Interested individuals can register and apply on the platform www.germanvolunteers.de. Next summer, approximately 2,500 athletes from around the world are expected in Dresden. They will compete in 17 sports, showcasing the abilities of transplant recipients and raising awareness for organ donation.

To facilitate the smooth running of the competitions, partnerships with 23 clubs and associations have already been established. “Collaboration with sports clubs and associations is of great importance. They support us in organizing the competitions, managing the tournaments, and providing experts for the respective sports,” explained Manuwald-Seemüller, Managing Director of World Transplant Games 2025 Dresden GmbH and Chairwoman of TransDia-Sport Deutschland e.V.
Sports Venues provided by clubs in and around Dresden / State of Saxony offers support

The sports venues include: Sportpark Ostra, Elbe Park, Swimming Facility Freiberger Platz, Waldpark Tennis Facility, Ullersdorf Golf Course, and Moritzburg. A joint kick-off meeting has already taken place, bringing together clubs, the event organizer, and the Dresden City Sports Federation to begin preparations.

“Hosting an international competition of this scale is a new challenge for us. The planning is underway – so far, 20 referees have already registered in our case, many of whom are even taking extra vacation days,” explained Dirk Oehme, Head of the Swimming Youth Center at Dresdner Sportclub 1898, offering an example of the commitment.
State of Saxony support
Support for the preparation and execution of the World Transplant Games 2025 is also coming from the Free State of Saxony. Saxony’s Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping, shared her enthusiasm: “I am delighted that Dresden will host the World Transplant Games 2025 next year. From here, an important message will be sent, encouraging people to think about organ donation and make a personal decision. It’s truly inspiring to see individuals achieving top athletic performance with a transplanted organ.”
If you’d like to be a volunteer for the WTG2025, click here to register.
Text & Photos: CitySportMarketing