
Entry is open to recipients, aged between 4 and 80 plus, of life-supporting allografts and haemopoietic cell transplants from other individuals or species which require or have required the use of immunosuppressive drug therapies.

Entry is open to all recipients of life-supporting allografts (heart, intestine, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas) from other individuals, and hematopoietic cell (bone marrow) transplants, which may require or have required the use of immunosuppressive drug therapies. Bone Marrow transplants include both allogenic (from other individuals or species) and autologous (from the same individual) transplants.

Competitors must have been transplanted for at least 1 year, with stable graft function, be medically fit and have trained for the events in which they have entered. If a potential competitor has been transplanted for at least 6 months, with stable graft function, has been training, and has permission from their own doctor, their entry may be considered by the WTGF Medical Committee and be allowed to enter.

Donor Families and Living donors can take part in selected sporting events.

All country teams must be active members of the World Transplant Games Federation. Your registration is not confirmed until it is approved by your Team Manager. Check with your Country Team Manager http://wtgf.org/member-countries/ about local eligibility and selection guidelines. If your country is not listed please contact the WTGF at wtgf@wtgf.org

Athletes will compete by gender in the following age groups:

  • 18-29
  • 30-39
  • 40-49
  • 50-59
  • 60-69
  • 70-79
  • 80+

Doubles events:

  • under 30
  • 30-49
  • 50+

Juniors will compete in events designated as junior events by gender in the following age groups:

  • 5 years and under
  • 6-8
  • 9-11
  • 12-14
  • 15-17

Juniors 16 or 17 years of age are permitted to compete in adult age events but must then compete only in adult events.

Age on the first day of the the Games will apply – 17 August 2025.

You will find here more information soon.

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