Your contributions support the World Transplant Games 2025 and raise awareness about the life-changing impact of transplants. Together, we can inspire more people to become donors and create a brighter future for those in need.
Your generous donations play a crucial role in the planning and execution of the World Transplant Games 2025. By contributing, you not only support this significant event but also help raise awareness about organ donation, potentially leading to more individuals becoming donors. Every donation made specifically for the WTG2025 will directly assist in promoting organ donation and enhancing the visibility of this important cause.
All donations are managed by the host of the event, TransDia Sport Deutschland e.V. To ensure your contribution is earmarked for the World Transplant Games 2025, please specify this when making your donation.
You can find the details for donation here:
Bank: DKM Darlehenskasse Münster
IBAN: DE38 4006 0265 0013 4535 04
Purpose: World Transplant Games 2025
Thank you for your support!